About my fiction

As mentioned in ‘About’, I am an artist, arts educator and writer.  My literary passion is the short story form and my fiction writing has evolved into a highly condensed short fiction form which I regard as the interface between poetry and prose.  My Flash / Microfictions have appeared in literary magazines and winners’ anthologies.

What they're saying about it:

 One of the face-smackingly brilliant stories that was more than worthy of inclusion in the anthology of fluently written pieces that don’t take up an inch more space on the page than is strictly necessary’.
The Editors, ‘Derek and More Micro-Fiction’ at Leaf books.
‘We are delighted to publish these microfictions; we like them very much. They cram in so much that is both said and unsaid’.
The Editor, Tears in the Fence International Literary Magazine.
‘We very much enjoyed reading ‘Journal’ .. ‘we love the atmosphere and the moments it captures and we would like to print it’. 
The editors, Ambit literary magazine.